Regular Student Enrollment

Enrollment Procedures

Regular students must do their enrollments online on the CAPG system during the period announced on this website for the current academic semester. The CAPG system will accept enrollments only during this period.

Students recently admitted to the Program who are accessing the CAPG system for the first time must click “Esqueci minha senha” [Forgot password]. It will open a page where their CPF number will be required. After following the instructions on the screen, a message will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the Master’s program application. If the student does not receive the message, they should contact the PPGCR Office. After receiving the message, the student must follow the instructions to create their IdUFSC, which will be needed to access the CAPG system.

The course timetable of each semester will be available on this website.

IMPORTANT: The Teaching Practicum course, which consists of a teaching practice in an undergraduate course, won’t be available for enrollment on the CAPG system. If the student wants to enroll for this course, they must hand in to the PPGCR Office a practicum plan elaborated with their supervisor and the course instructor (in case they’re not the supervisor themselves), and the syllabus of the course in which they will do the practicum. Click here for further information:

In the week following the enrollment, it will be possible to make enrollment adjustments directly at the PPGCR Office.